Our Origins | Te Ōrokohanga
Māori National Sports Organisations (MNSOs) play an essential role in the future of New Zealand sports. Creating pathways in Māori communities, NSOs encourage adults and young people to participate in sports and support them to perform at the highest levels.

Māori Sports Organisations are at the heart of grassroots New Zealand, with some being active for over 100 years. This is a considerable achievement when you take into account the challenges these rōpū face. Most organisations rely on the āwhina of volunteers and have no representation, investment or direct support from the sector, i.e. National Sports Organisations (NSOs) or Regional Sports Trusts (RSTs).
Discussions between Māori NSOs identified a shared need for an independent service that could represent their legal, financial and organisational interests. Te Huinga Tākaro o Aotearoa was established in 2023 to provide this ongoing support.
We help Māori NSOs to build capability and capacity by offering advice and advocacy while respecting the mana motuhake of our members.
If your Māori NSO is looking for tautoko/support, we’re here to help.
Māori & Sports | Te Māori me te Hākinakina
Māori have always placed value on their physical wellbeing and fitness, which is why these activities are protected under the Treaty of Waitangi.
“Māori sports” are about more than just the whakapapa of the player and champion these whenu:
- Appreciation of mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge);
- Application of Te Reo Māori me ngā tikanga (Māori language and practices);
- Upholding Māori values such as whanaungatanga (kinship, relationships), manaakitanga (respect, reverence) and aroha (compassion);
- Reflections of whakapapa (genealogy) through acknowledging tribal membership.
Māori NSOs understand that beyond physical benefits, sport allows Māori to connect with their culture and heritage to strengthen their identity. An environment that supports mauri ora – healthy individuals, whānau ora – healthy families, and tai ora – healthy environments is integral to the health and oranga tonutanga of our adults and young people.